Monday, March 8, 2010

Not What It's Cracked Up to Be!

Well…It is another week closer to graduation and I’m still trying to figure out what the big deal is. I picked up my cap and gown last week, HUGE disappointment. I was expecting to walk into the bookstore and see strobe lights and a DJ mix the newest music. I was expecting bottles of champagne and lots of people celebrating. Not at all what I found. I walked into the bookstore to be greeted by two young women who could care less if I was there or not! Um…excuse me you are supposed to greet me with a smile. I was expecting them to be waiting on ME. Hello this has been a five year process haven’t you guys been expecting me? They pushed me over the long line where I waited to receive the sacred cap and gown. Now I just have to find what shoes to wear? Maybe I can beg Momma for a pair of Christain Louboutin’s?? Let’s say a prayer!

I could wear those Christian Louboutin’s to job interviews too. I think I’m onto something. Maybe the principals who will be interviewing would be distracted by my shoes, and forget about my horrible teaching portfolio.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Am I almost done?

Do you remember graduating from High School? I do. It was a big deal. I remember my Mom being so proud of me. As I approach graduation from college she better be super duper buper proud of me come May 8th.

I remember arriving on campus in August of 2005. I remember how big and beautiful Old Main was. Frankly, I was mesmerized by it. I remember how excited I was to be involved on campus. I couldn't wait to be apart of a great organization like ZTA. I remember camping outside the football fieldbefore the big USC game just to get a good seat. It didn't matter that I was sleeping on concrete and I think it was about 99 degrees the entire time, I loved every minute of it.

Five years later and I've lost that excitement. How many more days until I am out of this place? How many more days of school? How many more times do I have to hear my mom say "So...Sara have you thought about plans for after graduation yet?" I want to go back to August 2005 because March 2010 isn't so enjoyable!

Do you have any idea aboout the stressfull process of becoming a teacher? You have no clue. Oh but don't you worry you will hear all about from now until May 8th.